Mental Health-ish
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Hosted by: Susie
IG: @mentalhealth.ish
Mental Health-ish
Why Does Time Speed Up as We Age
Remember those endless days of childhood when summer seemed to stretch on forever? Now, as adults, many of us feel like time slips through our fingers, with packed schedules and constant busyness. On this episode of the Mental Health-ish Podcast, we reflect on why time feels like it accelerates as we age.
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IG: mentalhealth.ish
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Host: zuppysue
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Hey everyone, welcome back to the Mental Health-ish Podcast. We are in the middle of December and I think Christmas is in two weeks. Yeah, christmas is in two weeks and the year 2025 is in three weeks. Can you believe that I was just thinking about this the other day of how the year went by super fast and I feel like I say that to myself every year super fast, and I feel like I say that to myself every year. Like once December hits, once the holidays hit, I realized like damn, the year went by really fast and it didn't used to be that way.
Speaker 1:I feel like it started feeling this way as an adult, especially after having kids. I feel like time just feels like it speeds up and it goes by really, really fast. Like Emma's literally eight years old now. That's crazy to me, but when I think back like eight years ago or even before she was born, I can't remember feeling like time was going by fast. I think I was just kind of living life and not really paying attention, I feel.
Speaker 1:So I started thinking about this, like why does this feel like time is going by fast? And it was so funny because I always talk about themes, right, and like paying attention to themes throughout the week of lessons, you know, being thrown at me things like that. So I was thinking about that one morning, right when I was in bed, about how time goes by, is going by so fast, and I was even thinking to myself like is time being sped up now? Like what's going on, you know? But anywho, I jumped onto TikTok after that, like that same morning, and one of my well, one of my acquaintances, I guess you could say was on live and literally as soon as I like I was just scrolling on TikTok and then as soon as I came up on his live, he was literally saying the same thing, like he was talking about how time is going by so fast and he feels like time is going by so fast. And I was like, oh my gosh, I was literally just thinking that right now, like literally before I went on TikTok. So I thought that was funny and so I realized like you know, this is something that we're all feeling in some way about time and how fast it's going. All feeling in some way about time and how fast it's going, especially now as adults. So, yeah, I kind of wanted to figure out why does it feel? Why does time feel like it goes by faster as an adult and I didn't realize it. I mean, of course, I felt like, well, because we're like, if you're, I guess I could speak for myself.
Speaker 1:I mean, I'm working, usually like I work full time, and then I do other things outside of work, like record this podcast, or you know, I'm doing YouTube videos, or I'm like recording videos for Instagram with Emma or, you know, taking Emma to her appointments, going to my own appointments, like Dennis appointments, so like there's always something to do, right. So I feel like when you're just constantly on the go and you're just always doing something your schedule's always packed you can't seem to catch a break. You know, when you're busy, I feel like time feels like it goes by faster because you don't really have time to slow down and really do anything else. And yeah, just think about it. Like, even when you're at work, right those days, if you do have those days and you can relate like if you're at work and you're not seeing any customers, right, like, let's say, you work customer service, if you're at work and you don't have anything to do and you're kind of just staying at your desk, not doing anything, how do those days feel to you. Those days feel like they suck right. They feel like they're going by so slow because you're so bored and you're not doing anything. But when you're busy and you're doing a lot of things and you actually have things to do and tasks, the day goes by faster, right? So I think it's the same with just life in general is when you're just so busy doing things and getting things done from your checklist, your schedule is always packed, there's always things to do. You have parties you know to go to there's, you know, doctor's appointments, like there's work, like there's all of these things that you're doing, and I feel like that can make it feel like life is just going by so fast and next thing, you know, it's like the end of the year again. So, as adults, I feel like we kind of fall into routines and repetition a lot, where we're constantly doing a lot of the same things. We're going to work, right, we're filling up our things to do, like doctor's appointments, and so that can make it seem like time is going by faster. Also, as adults, we're in general like doing less new things. Like so, like it might not be, seem like as exciting, I guess which I don't know, but like as kids, for example, like we're always, kids are always doing fun things right. They're always doing trying new experiences, like everything's kind of new to them, and so that can make time feel like long as adults. Like it can have like the opposite right, it could feel like it's just going back to the routine and repetition of things and we just have a lot of responsibilities, right. It could feel like it's just going back to the routine and repetition of things and we just have a lot of responsibilities, right, basically.
Speaker 1:Another thing, though, that my acquaintance, you know, my friend or whatever that was saying on TikTok that I didn't realize was it can also, where you live can also, I feel, have an effect. So, for example, I live in California, so California, right, is a very fast, I feel like it's a very fast pace. I was going to say state, but I don't know. I live in Southern California. I don't know about Northern California, but in general I feel like Southern California lives like a very fast paced lifestyle, so that can also make time feel like it's going by faster. So, again, like you know, if you have a busy schedule, like there's just so many activities to do, like there's just, you know everyone's always kind of on the go, like traffic is always crazy, because everyone's always kind of rushing, you know, to get from point A to point B and it's just a very fast pace.
Speaker 1:I feel lifestyle in Southern California is another thing that I didn't even think about. That my friend had mentioned on his TikTok and I was like that makes complete sense. Maybe we should move to like the middle of nowhere, like move to a farm or like somewhere where life is just slower, right? So anywho, that was like an interesting take on it. So how can we slow our day down? Because sometimes I do. I mean, time is going by so fast. Sometimes I do wish that I was able to just slow down, and it's so hard. When you're used to like all the chaos and the busyness of life, it could be really hard to slow down and just not do anything, or you know, so I don't know.
Speaker 1:I was like trying to figure out ways to be more present in the moment, to where time isn't just slipping by so fast. So definitely try to do things, obviously, try new experiences, try new things that make you feel good, that make you feel happy, create new memories, right. So, trying new experiences, activities, traveling, doing stuff that you've never done before, to create lasting memories and just make the time feel memorable, to where it's just not like speeding by, right. And then you're like wow, like what happened? What did I do the past year, what did I do the past few months, right? So if you have something that you're filling it with, that feels good to you, or good memories, like that might make it feel a little more fulfilling.
Speaker 1:Another thing, like I had mentioned, is practicing being more present in the moment. So you know, for me at least, I know I'm on my phone a lot and so I'm always doom, scrolling right on TikTok or Instagram, and so the time goes by like really fast. Next thing, you know it's like okay, I have to go to bed and it's just like a constant cycle, right. So I guess, trying to be more present in the moment, where you're not just speeding through the day, so maybe putting your phone down, you know, meditation, just meditation, like even just sitting down for a couple minutes, you know, and just breathing, taking a few deep breaths, where you're not distracted all the time, things like that, just practicing and learning to be more present in the moment, I feel is something very important for all of us, especially now with cell phones and social media.
Speaker 1:Like it could be easy to get stuck on scrolling and stuck on like what people are doing, or stuck on the news and like worrying and all of those things where you sometimes feel like you can't even catch your breath, right. So I think taking time to slow down and just being completely present in the moment and whatever you're doing, even with like eating dinner, for example, like just being present with that and not being on your phone, right, like just kind of taking your time with doing things, not constantly rushing right To do the next thing, so limiting distractions, breaking up some of your routines. So that goes back to like trying new experiences, trying new things, meeting new people, taking a different route from work, right Like taking the next street or just making small changes, I feel, to that routine that we're just stuck in every day, spending time outside like that's a big one. Whenever I'm feeling stressed and I'm feeling like overwhelmed, I go outside and I take a walk, even if it's just a walk around the block, which is not the most nature-ish, you know, eric, like I would rather be out in a park or maybe somewhere with trees, you know, but at least you're outside and you're getting some oxygen, you're changing the scenery, you're connecting with nature, so you're slowing down and just appreciating that moment. Right, and setting goals. For sure, I feel, setting goals for the year, keeping yourself accountable to those goals those are all really good strategies that I feel I'm going to start practicing and maybe that some of these things resonate with some of you listening.
Speaker 1:If it does, let me know. But yeah, let me know what you think. Do you feel like time is going by faster as an adult than when you were younger and like why? Why do you think that is? But that's just an interesting observation and feeling that I had this past week that I wanted to talk about, because I feel like life just moves so fast and we're coming up onto the new year right in three weeks and so new year, new beginnings and reflection, reflecting on this past year and just things that we we did or didn't do, and so just something to keep in perspective is just time and how valuable time is and making sure that we take advantage of our time right. Our time is precious and so taking time to slow down and really be in the moment and being present listening to this episode. Again, please subscribe, like and share this episode. I really appreciate it and go ahead and check out my other social media pages for more content Instagram, facebook, youtube and, of course, my website with all the past podcast episodes mentalhealthishcom. Thank you.